contemporary stained glass art by Patti Ramsey
OpenLeafGlass stained glass artist creates stunning art using unusual elements while maintaining a sophisticated and lovely design.

Patti began working with stained glass 15 years ago, and became obsessed with it. She created many stained glass pieces with traditional designs, usually in large panels. The longer she worked with the medium, the more her designs changed to the abstract. She now designs all of her own stained glass pieces and works primarily with round shapes placed in wrought iron display stands.
She draws inspiration for an entire stained glass project from a focal piece. Often, she uses geodes or fused glass pieces, as they are so striking. Keeping it contemporary, she also uses more unexpected media in glass projects, such as sheet metal, wire and occasionally semi precious stones.
Patti believes people should feel emotionally lifted when they see stained glass art, so getting it right is important to her. There is nothing quite like seeing a stunning piece that leaves one smiling and wanting to linger.
Patti lives in Bellingham, Washington with her husband, Randy.